The moment the EBAS professional conducts the first interview, the social intervention begins with the person and/or family, and it will be this professional who will open a new file.

The Hèstia File is at the same time a tool for recording the care provided by social services professionals and for monitoring all the intervention carried out so far, regardless of the professional who has carried out the registration.

As long as the professional makes good use of this record, it can become a basic support for the development of future interventions to be carried out.

Thus, the first time the person is attended to by a technical professional, he must create the file, collecting both the identifying data of the file (cover of the file and related persons), as well as those that the professional considers appropriate and indispensable in order to collect and shape the person's demand, their situation and needs, the possible benefits, the actions and the agreements that will determine the intervention of the professional and the service.

Whether the person being treated comes to the service on their own initiative, or if they are referred by another service (external service), the first thing the professional will do is open a new file.

In the event that the person has been referred by another service, it is vitally important, at the time of attending to the person and registering any data in Hèstia, to have the information or documentation transferred by the referring service.

To create a file, from the Finder, click on the "Create file" button.

The program will then display the file form screen.

This screen is divided into two windows:

  1. Cover of the file
  2. Registration of people (linking people) and of the intervention

Cover of the file

This is the first part of the file, where the file number will be generated (always correlative to the one created previously - the account, automatic, starts at the beginning of each year and ends on the last day-) and other data such as the sector, subsector, family name of the file, origin, situation of the file and level of risk, the team and reference professional of the file.

All the fields included in this section are preconfigured and, therefore, you only need to "choose" the option that matches reality, except for the "Name of the file" field that the professional must register manually. Both to fill in this field, as well as the "Status of the file" and "Degree of Risk", the consensus of the entire service is important so that all professionals register following common criteria.

Once all the fields on the cover have been filled in, the "Save" button must be pressed. At this point Hèstia will generate the file number automatically, with the status "open", collecting the date and time of creation.

The data to be entered are:

  • Status of the file : status of the file according to the time of the care process for that person/family. Collect the possibility of typifying it by: unassigned, reception, follow-up, treatment.
  • Degree of risk: assessment in relation to the risk situation of that person or the family unit. Includes: unrated, vulnerability, risk, high risk.
  • Sector : municipality to which the file belongs.
  • Subsector : allows you to define whether, within the chosen sector, the file is assigned to a more specific territorial subdivision.
  • Family name : text used to identify the file in addition to the file number. Family surnames are often used.
  • Origin of the case : defines what the origin of the case is.
  • Family type : composition of the family nucleus of the people on the file.
  • Residence of the family nucleus : defines in a very general way where the people included in the file live.
  • Observations : free text field for the professional.

It is important to remember that once this information has been completed, you must press the "Save" button. With this action, the new file is registered and automatically assigned a number, which will be displayed in the upper left part of the window.

From this moment on, it will be possible to link the people who will be part of this file and register the information related to care and social intervention.

Link people

Access the file created

Once the file has been created, it can be accessed in 2 ways:

  1. File search: clicking the "Files" check box, and searching using the available fields.
  2. People finder + Traceability tab: the person's name is probably remembered before the file number, or the registered family name. Hèstia allows access to a user's file through their personal file and, specifically, from the "Traceability" tab.