The password is unique for each professional user of the application, and can be modified in these situations:

  • When the application is first accessed
  • When the application informs us that the password has expired (this automatic procedure is activated every 90 days)
  • As long as the user wishes

In these cases, if you want to change your password, click on "Change password" on the connection screen. Then, the window will open to be able to change the password and you will need to fill in the following information:

  • Username : User access credentials.
  • Old password :
    • The initial password provided to you by your system administrators if this is your first time logging in
    • Password valid until the time of change
    • Password provided to you by the coordinator if you forgot it the first time,
  • New password : password that you want to use from now on, which will be personal and non-transferable and must meet all the minimum requirements mentioned in the password change form
  • Confirm new : You must re-enter the new password to confirm that it has been entered correctly
  • Show Passwords : Activate this box to see the text of the password fields, which by default only show asterisks

If you have been absent for a season and do not remember your password , you must choose the option "I have forgotten the password" , which will send you a temporary access code to your email specified in Hestia, in order to be able to change when accessing the first time. This code expires after a few minutes for security reasons. If it has expired, you must request it again (maximum 3 attempts before blocking the user).

Note: The requirements that passwords must meet comply with Royal Decree 1720/2007, of December 21, in which the Development Regulation of organic law 15/1999, of December 13, on Data Protection of Personal Character. The program prevents password change if any of the minimum requirements are not met.