The module of Reports is a collection of reports for the preparation of official reports, i.e. the statistical data requested by Official Entities and Bodies in all Basic Areas, such as those of the Unified Data Register of Local Entities (RUDEL) , the reports of the Catalan Women's Institute (ICD), the monthly statistics of the DGAIA/SAIA, the emergency benefits for housing supplies ("energy poverty") or the specific report of the activity in the ABSS during the state of emergency and the de-escalation of the COVID-19.

This module is tree-structured, with a node for some program-specific modules and extractable memories. The selection of any of the reports that hang from Primary Care will imply that all data will be extracted exclusively from the Primary Care module. If, on the other hand, the ICD Memory is selected, which is within the SIAD module, it will imply that the data will be extracted from this module and from no other. In the event that the entity making the reports considers that there is data that should be combined, it will need to do so based on the results obtained in the different reports.

Within each section of the report we can find subsections (Rudel File 1, ICD Report, etc...), in which we have sought:

  • Extract as much data as possible
  • Respect to the maximum the nomenclature that marks each memory
  • Provide online help, explaining the source of data and results

On the other hand, this section has a help button, in case a specific variable needs to be consulted while using the tool.

1- Filters and other functions

All reports have the same data filtering options, so the results will always be limited by:

  • Sector and subsector
  • team
  • professional
  • Time period

On the other hand, the option of how to account for actions, problems, demands, etc. allows:

  • Registration date: actual date of entry of the action into the system (date on which the action was recorded).
  • Date of action: date on which the action is said to have taken place (date of action field), regardless of the day it was entered into the system.

This option is quite important to take into account in months close to the turn of the year, for example, when actions carried out in December of the previous year are introduced in January. When there are actions with an action date in December, but the date of registration in the system is in January, there may be a lag in the annual count. In this sense, it is important to select "Date of action".

On the screens we also find the following function buttons:

  • Update: executes the query to get the results according to the filter data we entered.
  • Export Active Tab - Exports to Microsoft Excel spreadsheets with active autofilters. If you do not have Microsoft Office 2003 or higher installed, these options will not be active.
  • Generate : directly generates the information shown on the screen in the official form of each report.
2- Reports of the Primary Care module

2.1-RUDEL file 01

Information systems

Number of people working with the application : This is obtained from the application access logs, so it refers to all users who have accessed the application during the selected period by gender. It is important to keep the list of professionals who use Hestia updated.

Number of active files in the application : obtained from all files in state Open during the reference period and that some action, resource, intervention plan, procedure has been registered for any of the people linked to these files, or the status of the file has changed. The status of the file must be kept up to date. Those files that have not had activity for a long period of time should be closed. Do not confuse with number of files worked.

Number of inactive files in the application : total files entered, regardless of the period chosen, minus the active ones within the period, i.e. the inactive ones will refer to:

  • Closed files.
  • Open files without actions.
  • Open files without actions in the chosen period.

Basic social care equipment

Number of people served : Number of people served by a professional from a basic social care team. It is obtained from the total of different people who have registered some action (either manual or automatic) in the selected time period. Each user must have at least one action to be counted in this section.

Number of new family and/or cohabitation files in the EBAS : Total files registered within the chosen period. It should be noted that the date of creation of a file cannot be changed, since it is created automatically when it is registered.

Number of family and/or cohabitation files processed in the EBAS : this total does not appear in the RUDEL, it is complementary information . It counts all the files that have been dealt with, that is to say, that have at least one action within the chosen period.

Number of users served by intervention sectors

It refers to the RUDEL point "Number of users served by EBAS broken down by intervention sectors", within the Basic Equipment data. It collects the actions, manual and automatic, generated by the registration of resources and procedures and by the manual registration of the professional, within the selected period, broken down by sex and classified by the scope of action defined in the register. The reason for intervention is taken into account, not the people. In the registration of resources it is very important to fill in all the fields, since according to the registered they will count in one or another area, and in a different type of action (resources pre-assigned or denied are counted in the Orientation column, while those granted are distributed according to the choice based on the following correspondences:


Sectors of intervention General provision resource
Guidance information


information Pre-work service
Guidance and advice. International adoption support service Specialized intervention service (CIE) Guidance service
Evaluation Child abuse assessment team service (EVAMI) Dependency assessment service Center service for personal autonomy Valuation service


Sectors of intervention benefit resource
Help at home (H – D) Help at home Home help service Personal assistance service to support work, occupational and/or training activities for people with physical disabilities Personal assistance service to support independent living and social and community integration, for people with physical disabilities Personal assistance service to support work, occupational and/or training activities for people with deaf-blind sensory disabilities. Personal assistance service to support independent living and social and community integration, for people with deaf-blind sensory disabilities.
Remote alarm services Service of support and care technologies


Sectors of intervention benefit resource
Support to

coexistence unit (H – D)

Support for the living unit. 1.1.1 Basic social care service
1.1.5 Social care technical advice service Open center service Preventive daytime programs Guardianship service for children and adolescents in situations of helplessness Post-adoption care service Specialized care service for children and adolescents (SEAIA) Support service for family caregivers and other non-professional caregivers Care service for families Guardianship service for the elderly Home autonomy support service for people with intellectual disabilities Guardianship service for people with intellectual disabilities Support service for autonomy at home for people with physical disabilities Autonomy support service at home for people with social problems arising from mental illness Social club service (module A) Social club service (module B) Guardianship service for people with mental illness
2.1.10 Economic benefit linked to the service for people in a situation of dependency Financial provision of personal assistance to support work, occupational and/or training activities Financial provision of personal assistance to support independent living and social and community integration.
2.1.12 Financial benefit for care in the family environment and support for non-professional carers
3.1.1 Aid for mobility and transport
3.1.2 Aids for personal autonomy and communication
3.2.1 Aid for the removal of architectural barriers and communication barriers
3.2.2 Aid for the adaptation of homes for people with disabilities


Sectors of intervention benefit resource
Alternative accommodation


Family care Educational Action Coexistence Unit Service Foster family service for the elderly
Emergency stays Emergency residential care service (general population) Emergency care and reception service
Stays in specific services of the public network. Temporary residence service for adults in a situation of social exclusion Nocturnal socio-educational center service Reception center service Educational Action Residential Center Service (CRAE) Intensive Education Residential Center Service (CREI) Assisted flat service for young people aged 16 to 18 Assisted flat service for young people over the age of 18 Residence service or flats for young people linked to job placement programs Reception and recovery service Floor service with support Bridge floor service Day center service for the elderly on a temporary or permanent basis Residential home service for the elderly on a temporary or permanent basis Assisted living service for elderly people with temporary or permanent social risk Assisted living service for the elderly on a temporary or permanent basis. Grade II Assisted living service for the elderly on a temporary or permanent basis. Grade III Sheltered housing service for the elderly on a temporary or permanent basis Personal autonomy promotion service for dependent people treated in long-term social and health care centers Personal autonomy promotion service for dependent people treated in day hospitals Personal autonomy promotion service for people with dependency treated in long-term psychiatric centers Temporary or permanent specialized care day center service for people with intellectual disabilities Home service with support for people with intellectual disabilities who need intermittent support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities who need intermittent support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities who need limited support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities who need limited support (behavioral disorder) Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities in need of extensive support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities in need of extensive support (behavioral disorder) Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with intellectual disabilities in need of generalized support Temporary or permanent residential center service for people with intellectual disabilities with extensive support Temporary or permanent residential center service for people with intellectual disabilities who need extensive support (behavioral disorder) Temporary or permanent residential center service for people with intellectual disabilities who need generalized support Temporary or permanent residential center service for people with intellectual disabilities with generalized support (with added health or mental health problems) Occupational therapy day center service (STO) for people with intellectual disabilities Occupational therapy day center service for people with intellectual disabilities, with assistant Occupational insertion day center service (SOI) for people with intellectual disabilities Free time service for people with intellectual disabilities Temporary or permanent specialized care day center service for people with physical disabilities Home service with support for people with physical disabilities who need intermittent support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with physical disabilities with intermittent support Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with physical disabilities with limited support Temporary or permanent residential center services for people with physical disabilities who need extensive support Temporary or permanent residential center services for people with physical disabilities in need of generalized support Occupational therapy day center services (STO) for people with physical disabilities Services of occupational therapy day centers (STO) for people with physical disabilities, with assistant Occupational insertion day center service (SOI) for people with physical disabilities Home service with temporary or permanent support for people with social problems arising from mental illness Home service temporary or permanent residence for people with social problems arising from mental illness Temporary or permanent assisted living service for people with social problems arising from mental illness Day center service for people with addictions Flat services with support for people with drug addictions, low intensity Flat services with support for people with drug addictions, high intensity Therapeutic community services for people with drug addictions, low intensity Therapeutic community services for people with drug addictions, medium intensity Therapeutic community services for people with drug addictions, high intensity Temporary home services with support for people affected by the HIV/AIDS virus, low intensity Temporary home services with support for people affected by the HIV/AIDS virus, high intensity Temporary residential home service for people affected by the HIV/AIDS virus


Sectors of intervention benefit resource
insertion prevention


General prevention 1.1.4 Canteen service
1.1.7 Support service for basic social services Support services for specialized social services Service for the prevention of dependency situations Comprehensive care service for the elderly in rural areas Early care service Interpreter service for deaf people Prevention service for people affected by HIV/AIDS
2.4.1 Book grants
2.4.2 Dining grants
2.4.3 Kindergarten grants
2.4.4 Scholarships colonies
2.4.5 Other individual aid for schooling
5.1.1 Departures
5.1.2 Cultural meetings
5.1.3 Workshops and courses
5.1.4 Mutual aid groups
5.1.5 Projects to detect social exclusion risk situations
5.2.1 Departures
5.2.2 Cultural meetings
5.2.3 Workshops and courses
5.2.4 Mutual aid groups
5.3.1 Departures
5.3.2 Cultural meetings
5.3.3 Workshops and courses
5.3.4 Mutual aid groups
5.4.1 Departures
5.4.2 Cultural meetings
5.4.3 Workshops and courses
5.4.4 Mutual aid groups
5.4.5 Service execution of measures in an open environment
5.5.1 Departures
5.5.2 Cultural meetings
5.5.3 Workshops and courses
5.5.4 Mutual aid groups
5.5.5 Meals at home
5.5.6 Other community projects
Social marginalization prevention Support Service for Young Men in Care and Ex-Care (SAEJ) Children's Telephone Service Day socio-educational center service Technical meeting point service Helpline service for women in situations of gender-based violence (ATENPRO, ...) Addiction prevention service
2.1.14 Benefit for basic needs (Red Cross/Charities/Others)
2.3.1 Financial benefits of social urgency
2.3.2 Maintenance allowances (food and clothing)
2.3.3 Grants for health expenses
2.3.4 Grants for housing-related expenses
2.3.5 Aid for travel and transport
2.3.6 Housing payment grants
2.3.7 Aid for housing supplies
2.3.8 Aid for psychopedagogical treatment
4.2.2 DAM (Child Care Delegate)
4.2.6 Other prison services
4.7.1 Attention to passers-by
Access to standardized resources Adapted transport service
2.1.15 Benefits Law of social integration of the disabled (LISMI)
2.1.16 Assistance pensions from the Social Assistance Fund (FAS)
2.1.2 Non-contributory retirement pension
2.1.3 Non-contributory disability pension
2.1.4 Complementary benefit for non-contributory pensioners, due to disability or retirement
2.1.5 Protection assistance for surviving spouses
2.1.8 Economic benefit of a universal nature per dependent child
2.1.9 Economic benefit of a universal nature for birth, adoption or multiple fostering
2.2..4 Benefit for residential care for the elderly
2.2.1 Financial aid of a social nature for workers, beneficiaries and pensioners of the special Social Security scheme for maritime workers
2.2.2 Child support, adoption or multiple fostering, subject to the income level of the family unit
2.2.3 Aid for international adoption
2.2.5 Benefit for day center for the elderly
2.2.6 Benefit for sheltered housing for the elderly
2.2.7 Allowance for temporary stays for elderly people with disabilities
2.2.8 Provision for access to housing services for people with social problems arising from mental illness
2.5.1. Active insertion income (RAI)
2.5.2. Benefit for minors at risk
2.5.3. Return assistance plan
2.6.1. Disability card
2.6.2. Large family card
2.6.3. Single-parent family card
2.6.4 Parking card for the disabled
4.1.1 SOC
4.1.2 Employment plans
4.1.3 Reduced special work center
4.1.4 Referrals to other work services
4.2.1 SAV (Victim Care Service)
4.2.3 Security bodies
4.2.4 Free justice
4.2.5 Family mediation
4.2.7 Referrals to other justice services
4.3.1 Nursery school
4.3.2 CEIP
4.3.3 HEIs
4.3.4 EAP
4.3.5 Adult education
4.3.6 Other educational services
4.4.1 ABS Pediatrics
4.4.2 Family planning Adult mental health Children's mental health
4.4.4 Pads
4.4.5 CASE
4.4.6 Other health services
4.5.1 Reception service
4.5.2 Translations
4.5.3 Writing specific reports
4.6.1 ELEVEN
4.6.2 Others
4.6.3 SIAD
4.8.1 Housing service
Intervention in social marginalization 1.3.1 Experimental service
2.1.1 Benefit for young people who are under guardianship
2.1.13 Minimum insertion income (RMI)
2.1.6 Allowance for the maintenance of household expenses
2.1.7 Benefit for the reception of a minor under the care of Gen

Number of performances per benefit

Total actions according to their typology, manual or automatic. Pre-allocated or denied resources count in the Guidance and Counseling section. The manual coordination actions are counted 50% in Information, and 50% in Orientation and Advice. It is important to update the procedure and the resource. The result obtained follows the following correspondence:

Sectors of intervention Type of Action Where each parameter is defined
INFORMATION AND ORIENTATION information This parameter is defined when we perform an action, specifically in the "Action" drop-down
Guidance and advice
PREVENTION / INSERTION General prevention These actions are the result of granting a resource. Internally there is a correspondence between the type of resource and the type of action, therefore, when a resource is granted an action is also created with the data necessary to define it, this correspondence follows the table shown in the previous point where dealt with Number of users served by intervention sectors.
Prevention in social marginalization
Access to standardized resources
Intervention in social marginalization
HELP AT HOME Help at home
Support for the living unit
Remote alarm services
Emergency stays
Stays in specific services of the public network

Number of problems addressed

List of the problems of each user in the family file, classified according to the General Type of problem, and broken down by Specific Type of problem and Totals. In the calculation of the totals, the problems fully or partially addressed within the chosen period are taken into account.

Home help service (for entities that do not use the SAD Management module)

The data is extracted from resource Home help service. The start and end dates and the status of the resource must be taken into account (it must be "granted" in order to count). If in any case a Social SAD is given while the resolution of a Dependency SAD arrives, then the type must be changed within the specifications of the resource itself: it will count in both modalities. All users/owners of the resource and the entity must be selected.

Number of people served : the beneficiaries are considered. This classification is based on the age and gender of the working people who make up the family nucleus that has an allocated SAD resource. In other words, if in a family file of 4 people, one of them inactive, and who has an assigned SAD resource, the age and sex of each of the 3 active people is looked at.

Number of family units served : based solely on the gender and age of the SAD resource holder.

Number of people served by support and care technology services.

Number of people served by the support and care technology service by age and sex (without repetition). All people who have registered and been granted resource are counted. "Technology support and care services", during the selected period. Care must be taken in the status of the resource (granted) and the start and end dates.

Number of social emergency economic benefits.

Number of beneficiaries of resources from 2.3.1 to 2.3.8 registered during the selected time period.

In "Number of applications" all beneficiaries of the resources from 2.3.1 to 2.3.8 are counted, regardless of their status. In "Number of people served" only the beneficiaries with recourse granted will be counted. The state of the resource, the entity and the start and end dates must be taken into account. The total amount of the resource will only be counted once, despite having registered "n" beneficiaries. The "Third sector" entity will count in the "Number of referrals" column.

The following resources are currently defined:

Typology in the RUDEL Resources in Hestia
Maintenance (includes food and clothing) 2.3.2 Maintenance allowances (food and clothing)
Housing (rent/mortgage/alternative accommodation) 2.3.4 Grants for housing-related expenses
2.3.6 Housing payment grants
Supplies (gas/light/water) 2.3.7 Aid for housing supplies
Pharmacy (includes diapers, pharmacy and baby food) 2.3.3 Grants for health expenses
others 2.3.1 Social emergency economic benefits (generic)
2.3.5 Aid for travel and transport
2.3.8 Aid for psychopedagogical treatment

Total number of technical grants granted by the Local Authority:

This listing is based on resources:

3.1. Technological services

3.1. Technical Aid dependent on the Social Services system

3.1.1 Aid for mobility and transport.

3.1.2 Aids for personal autonomy and communication.

Funding of social services

Currently, only the total number of users by gender and type of benefit is reported. The data on the number of users is derived from the variable "Number of users per sector of intervention". The data of the "Expenditure" variable cannot be calculated due to the lack of data in Hèstia.

Other variables File 01 that are generated in the PDF

People using Basic Social Services : People (without repetitions) who have been assigned a diagnosis, have been prescribed interventions, benefits, whether or not they have been treated by an EBAS. It is obtained from the sum of people, in a discharge situation, for whom actions, resources, intervention plans or procedures have been registered, during the selected time period. The start and end dates of the resources must be taken into account (if the end date is December 31 of the previous year and no other action is taken, it will not count in subsequent years).

Waiting time : Waiting time for the first interview request. It is the average time of the appointments selected as "First interview" from the date of their recording in the Hestia agenda to the scheduled date of the appointment. It is very important to select the appointment type "First interview" so that it can be counted correctly. We must also remember to update its actual status (“done”) and relate this agenda appointment to an action performed by the professional in this first visit.

2.2-RUDEL file 02-01

Number of children and adolescents referred by EBAS

It refers to the table "Number of children referred during the current year to open centers referred by EBAS". The data extracted is the number of people assigned resource Open center service, and classified by age and sex.

The listing presents an additional age range, over 18 years, to account for possible data entry errors.

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2.3-RUDEL sheet 02-02

It refers to the table "Number of children cared for during the current year in open centers derived from EBAS". The data extracted is the number of people assigned resource Open center service, and classified by age and sex.

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3- Reports of the SIAD module

This blog of the reports deals with the data requested by the Catalan Women's Institute (ICD), but considering different variants and formats.

3.1 RUDEL file 28

Quantitative analysis.

Number of women served: This value can be extracted from the " n Persons Served / n Records " tab, choosing column D, women.

Number of attentions carried out: this total is what appears in the title itself " n actions for... ", where n refers to the total attentions.

Number of women treated by the psychological counseling service, Number of care provided by the psychological counseling service, Number of women treated by the legal counseling service and Number of care provided by the legal counseling service: can be extracted from the tab " n Actions by Service that attends ", in which the column number refers to the total of attentions and the column Number of different people to the people who have received these actions.

Number of women users in a situation of sexist violence: this data can be taken from the " n Actions for Situation of Violence detected " tab. As the option of sexist violence does not appear explicitly in any of the ICD options, this list has broken down as much information as possible according to the situations of violence that appear in the actions of the SIAD module.

Consultation areas

List " n Actions by / Areas of inquiry ". Only the items that have a value appear, if there is one that does not appear, it means that its value is 0.

Type of care processing

" n Actions for / Processing " tab. Only the items that have a value appear, if there is one that does not appear, it means that its value is 0.

Input channels

Tab “ n Persons served – n Files / Entry channel ”. Only the items that have a value appear, if there is one that does not appear, it means that its value is 0.

Referral proposals

List " n Actions by / Derivation ". Only the items that have a value appear, if there is none that does not appear, it means that its value is 0.

Analysis of the user profile

People served by sex: Tab " n People served - n Records / Sex ". This table differentiates between those over and under 18 years of age, therefore, in order to obtain the Totals, it is necessary to add Minors served + Persons served. The sum of the totals of men and women must match the number n that appears in the tab " n Persons served ".

People served by age: " n People served - n Files / Age " tab.

People served by level of studies: " n People served - n Records / Studies ".

Persons served by marital status: " n Persons served - n Files / Marital Status ".

Persons served by nationality of origin: " n Persons served - n Records / Nationality ".

3.2 ICD memories

n People served / n Records for

Sex: number of people served by sex, according to the data in the Personal File.

Large age groups: number of people served according to their age, according to the date of birth on the Personal File. The data is grouped by age ranges, but ranges where no person is counted are not shown.

Age in five-year intervals: listed with the number of people treated according to their age, grouped into 5-year bands. Ranges with a result of 0 will not appear in the list.

Residence: list of the number of people according to the sector defined in the Personal File at the time of opening the SIAD file.

Studies: number of people served classified by their degree of studies, as defined in the SIAD file itself in the Completed Studies field.

Family Status: list of the number of users according to the type of family defined in the SIAD file itself, in the Family Status field.

Average of Children: sum of the total number of children of the files divided by the number of files.

Average number of dependents in charge: sum of the number of dependents in charge of all SIAD files divided by the number of SIAD files.

ATENPRO: number of users who enjoy the benefit, according to the field of the same name present in SIAD files.

Nationality: number of users according to the Nationality defined in the SIAD file itself.

n Performances

Arrival procedure: total performances according to the arrival procedure defined in the performance.

Attention channel: list of total actions per channel, according to the value entered in the SIAD action.

Scope: list of total actions by scope, according to SIAD action data.

Derived by / Derived to: list of total performances according to the data entered in the performance.

Situation of violence detected: total actions according to the value entered in the SIAD action, in the field of the same name. Values with total result equal to 0 are not displayed.

4- Reports of the Immigration module

4.1 RUDEL sheet 07

Career guidance and legal advice

List of total inquiries/actions according to Action type which follows from the Action defined within the Immigration action.

Improvement of the individual recruitment of immigrants

List of the number of beneficiaries by area of intervention, which is obtained from the Training Actions of each action, according to the following table:

Scope of intervention Actions Training the actions
Literacy Catalan level 1 + Social skills for women
Catalan level 2 + Social skills for women
labor Catalan level 1 + Work skills for residents
Catalan level 2 + Work skills for residents
Catalan level 1 + Social and work skills for regroupers
Catalan level 2 + Social and work skills for regroupers
linguistics Catalan level 1 + Know the Environment
Catalan level 2 + Know the Environment
New technologies

Profile of the beneficiaries

List of users according to origin and classified according to age group and sex.

5- Reports of the EAIA module

5.1 RUDEL file 19

Diagnostic assessment

Cases studied before 6 months: this total is obtained from all files received in a period of time that have had a technical/measurement situation in Study less than 6 months.

Cases received: total cases received in a period of time.

Elaboration of socio-educational commitment proposals

Number of socio-educational commitment proposals and/or non-serious risk assessments: obtained from the total number of socio-educational commitment Type reports carried out throughout the chosen period.

Number of cases derived by basic social services: obtained from cases whose origin is a Sector/Municipality, that is, cases in which the “Origin” field has any value except Unassigned, DGAIA/SAIA or Justice Services.

1.1.2 Monthly statistics DGAIA/SAIA

It presents the statistical data of the service situation.