The Via Oberta queries that can be consumed through Hestia are as follows:

  • Register and IDESCAT - Residence Data
  • Register through the "OV Própia" Virtual Office
  • Large family title (TFN)
  • Single-parent family title (TFM)
  • SISPAP - Disabilities
  • Guaranteed Citizenship Income
  • Debt situation (TGSS)
  • Dated labor registration (TGSS)
  • Tax obligations for subsidies and aid (AEAT)
  • Individual income level certificate (AEAT)
  • Income certificate for social benefits (AEAT)
  • Income certificate for scholarships (AEAT)
  • Exempt public pensions (AEAT)
  • IMSERSO - Dependency data
  • IRPF (with imputations)
  • INSS - Public social benefits
  • Have permissions as a professional to be able to consume the data of the query Via Oberta that you want to consult. If you do not have one, you must manage the registration to the service with the person responsible for Interoperability of the entity to which the professional belongs.
  • The ABSS must be authorized to consume the consultation of Via Oberta with the type of social services procedure specific to Hestia: “ 0226 Welfare and Health Services (Hestia)”
  • The ABSS that has authorization to consume the data of Dependency (IMSERSO) and those of Public Social Benefits (INSS) for any of the following generic purposes: Social Services, Social Benefits or Social Services Advice, may make the query from Hestia. Otherwise, inquiries should continue from Via Oberta (EACAT).
  • Having been identified when accessing Hestia with the double factor with digital certificate, T-CAT or T-CAT P .
  • In the case of regional ABSS in which the professionals who access them are from the municipal area and do not depend on the regional council, it will be necessary to:
    • The Interoperability Managers of the town councils have managed the permits in the various consultations available with the forms through EACAT
    • The Interoperability Managers of the town councils have authorized the professionals, giving them the permissions for each of the consultations that are necessary.
    • Council professionals have identified themselves in Hestia with the T-CAT Certificate issued by their council, otherwise the consultation button will not be active.

How to request registration for the various consultations?

In order to be able to consume Via Oberta data from Hestia, the ABSS owner must access EACAT>Procedures>Consortium AOC>Request for services and download the following forms:

Form "Request for Via Oberta services":

  • Specify the data consumption option via "Integration", even though the integration in Hestia has already been carried out by AOC
  • Mark procedure type "0226 Welfare and Health Services (Hestia)".
  • You will find the following services to request:
    • Data from the General Administration of the State:
      • TGSS - Debts with the Social Security and status of discharge
    • Data from the Generalitat de Catalunya
      • Large family title (TFN)
      • Single-parent family title (TFM)
      • SISPAP - Disabilities
      • Guaranteed Citizenship Income
    • Data from the local administration
      • Register and IDESCAT - Residence Data

Form "AEAT Service Request Via Oberta":

  • Specify the data consumption option via "Integration", even though the integration in Hestia has already been carried out by AOC
  • You will find the following services to request:
    • Tax obligations for subsidies and aid (AEAT)
    • Individual income level certificate (AEAT)
    • Income certificate for social benefits (AEAT)
    • Income certificate for scholarships (AEAT)
    • Exempt public pensions (AEAT)
  • Indicate purpose " 0226 Welfare and Health Services (Hestia)".

Entities that already have authorization for any of the consultations, only need to request authorization to be able to consume the same data from Hestia with the new purpose "0226 Health and Welfare Services (Hestia)" .

Once we have the relevant authorizations, the person responsible for interoperability will need to authorize each of the social service professionals who need to access the various options.


If you want to consult the data of the User Register through Hestia, you have the option of consulting the data of your own applicant:

  • Own OV request for the purpose of Hestia
  • Application for the Padró and IDESCAT service - Residence data, mode "Registration data of a holder (Registration flyer)", with the application form you will find at EACAT>Procedures>Consorci AOC>Soc- Request for services>Request for services from Via Oberta; both options must be authorized for the specific purpose "0226 Welfare and Health Services (Hestia)".

The option of consuming the data from the municipal register through the OV is enabled for all professionals registered with the ABSS, on the other hand, to consult the data from the register of other municipalities or the IDESCAT, it will be necessary for the Interoperability Manager of the us to assign permissions within the EACAT to each professional who has to make the consultation from the Hestia.

I don't have the "Query" button for Via Oberta active in Hestia or the query returns an error

In the event that a professional accesses Hestia and sees that one of the Via Oberta inquiries from the Personal File is not available, she must check with her Interoperability Manager the requirements mentioned above.

On the other hand, it may be that the organization transferring the data has a temporary incidence and that the service that you want to use from the Hestia is temporarily unavailable for reasons beyond the control of AOC. The consultation will be operational again once the incident that caused it is closed. For more information see Service Status.

If you do not have the query button in the Register active:

  • The entity does not have access to its own OV service. The Interoperability Manager must manage the request
  • The entity does not have the Register and IDESCAT - Residence Data service, the modality: Registration data of an owner (Registration sheet) for the purpose 0226 Welfare and Health Services (Hèstia)".
Consult the register

The consultation in Padró is carried out from the Personal File/Basic data tab.

It will be necessary to register beforehand, the documentation field and the municipality of the "Inquiry in Padró" tab, and press the "inquiry" button, so that Hèstia displays the data that matches this query.

Later, and if it is considered appropriate, the information from the result of the consultation can be transferred to the Personal File - name, surname, date of birth,... - . To do this, press the "Copy" button

The collected address tab and the registry query tab may have inconsistent data recorded, given that we can work with a citizen who lives in one address and remains registered in a different one. It is the professional who decides if he wants to keep more than one address of the user (the official address returned by the consultation of the Register and another alternative address).