To open a new Immigration and Citizenship file, you must do it from the "Traceability" section of the person's file, by clicking on the "New file" option.

A screen will appear to complete the necessary data. There are fields that will be pre-filled automatically and that come from the information recorded in the citizen's personal file (country of birth, mother tongue,...), others that are pre-filled by the system (exp. no., registered professional) and others that the professional will need to provide:

As we confirm that the person has completed the training (if the course completed is their own, once the compulsory attendance has been passed, a green mark will automatically appear attesting that they have passed) or has provided the relevant accreditations for the training courses required by the decree 150 of 2014, these will be recorded as completed or accredited, as the case may be.

The "Process start date" included in the file is the automatic file opening date (it can be modified manually by the professional); therefore, the end date will be exactly 2 years later, as provided by law. Although the field will be shaded in red once this time limit has been exceeded, the file will still be operational and data can continue to be saved.

The field that refers to the reception certificate allows us to quickly see if the person has obtained the certificate. This field must be reported by the professional.

It must be remembered that it is necessary to have the request for access to the first reception service signed by the citizen. This application can be downloaded using the button "Application first welcome".

1. Proceedings of the Immigration and Citizenship file

As is done with the other forms of files in Hestia, the interventions or actions of the professional technicians in the field of immigration that refer to the accompaniment they provide to the person must be collected in the file

It is very important to collect the performances well, since a large part of them are taken into account when preparing Annex 1. The start and end time and the type of performance must be specified rigorously, since the result of the time used is what will appear in the Annex as "accredited hours", together with the data of the person we attended to, in the event of an action imputable to the FSE.

As in the rest of the file types, we can add to the performance other attending professionals, other performances and related appointments and training actions to which the performance refers.

2. "Training" tab of the Immigration and Citizenship file

From this tab we can add the person as an assistant to any of the FSE courses that we have registered in our system. Once the student has been added to the course, a line will be displayed from which the characteristics of the course and the person can be easily viewed, together with their personal course attendance count (it will change from red to green depending on 'reach 75% attendance) and whether you have Annex 6, “Participant form”, created (an image of a document is shown) or not (a warning sign is shown).

To be able to generate Annex 6, "Participant file", you only need to place yourself on the line of the course for which you want to create the file and, by clicking (one file per participant and course) above, we will choose the option to be able to generate it pre-filled with the person's data.

Once we save the participant file, the icon will change and the warning will disappear.

3. "Projects" tab

This tab allows us to assign one of the projects we have registered from the projects section of the immigration and citizenship configuration to the person.

4. “Courses (non-FSE)” tab

This tab allows us to assign one of the courses we have registered from the "Courses (non-FSE)" section of the immigration configuration to the person.

5. "Application forms" tab

Initially, from this tab only some of the submission forms could be downloaded, such as the request for access to the first reception service that the professional must send to the Generalitat. Little by little, the rest of the forms that the technicians in this field tend to use very often are being added: the municipal proposal for the social rooting document in Catalonia, the municipal proposal for adapting the home to renew authorizations of residence by virtue of family reunification,...

6. "Documents" tab

This tab shows all the documents related to this specific file, whether those added by the professional or those generated by the courses assigned to the person.

Immigration and Citizenship Tasks from the Agenda

The professionals in this area carry out tasks that often, although some make direct reference to the First Reception service (preparation of courses, assistance to professional training actions, trips to training actions, bureaucratic management, S1A technical meetings, etc.) and they are activities subsidized by the European Social Fund, they cannot be registered directly in the Immigration and Citizenship file of a single person.

These specific tasks have been created to be able to impute them directly to Annex 1 from the Agenda, as the work of the immigration and citizenship professional imputable to the FSE, if applicable. Within the task we can select the type of action (course preparation, bureaucratic management, travel to training sessions,...) and the date and hours dedicated.

Exploitation of the data of the Immigration and Citizenship module

In the exploitation section we will find the lists that were already available in previous versions and the generation of Annexes 1, 2, 3 and 4 with all the data recorded in the new module.

Other lists have also been added that allow a more agile management of professionals, as they allow them to quickly see which people have or have not been assigned training, with a time filter.