The actions are the set of acts, actions and documents that make up a procedure. In the case of the Hèstia program, the actions are all the interventions carried out by the Social Services Technicians to the treated users.

In the Immigration file, actions are registered using the "Add" button.

In the creation form some of the fields have already been assigned default values. You must enter the "Topic" of the performance and adjust the other information as appropriate:

  • Date and time when the action is carried out.
  • Hours that the professional has dedicated to the performance.
  • Project : choose from those previously configured.
  • Type of action performed by the professional.
  • Action / Course : choose from those previously configured.
  • Informed itinerary of services : select the appropriate value.
  • Derivation : select from where, if applicable.
  • Topic : brief description of the action taken.
  • Text : space to describe in detail the action taken.

The person responsible for the action is assigned by default to whoever is registering it, but it can be modified using the [+] button to the right of the professional's name:

Finally, click on the "Save" button to record the performance. If no errors are detected, the program will notify us that the data has been successfully saved and will add the action to the list of actions in the file.

Access and/or modify actions

The actions tab shows all the actions of the Immigration file ordered by descending date (the last action created is the first in the list) but you can change the order of the list by clicking on the column header for the that you want to order.

As in other types of files, when editing the content of the actions already recorded, it must be taken into account that no changes can be made after the deadline defined by the Coordinator or the Administrator of the Entity. So, if this period has passed, you can consult the action but you cannot make changes, because the "Save" button will be disabled.